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Civil Rights Movement Figures
Malcolm X
Advocated for black empowerment and the promotion of Islam among blacks, criticized the mainstream Civil Rights Movement, assassinated in 1965
Martin Luther King Jr.
Led the Civil Rights Movement, delivered the 'I Have a Dream' speech, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964
Rosa Parks
Refused to give up her seat on a bus, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott, known as the 'Mother of the Freedom Movement'
Dolores Huerta
Co-founded United Farm Workers, instrumental in the passage of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975, advocate for women's rights
Frederick Douglass
Escaped slavery, became a leading abolitionist, writer, and speaker, supported women's suffrage
Fannie Lou Hamer
Helped found the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, famous for her speech at the 1964 Democratic National Convention
Booker T. Washington
Founded Tuskegee Institute, delivered Atlanta Compromise speech, promoted vocational education
Ella Baker
Worked behind the scenes of the Civil Rights Movement, helped found SNCC, advocated for grassroots organizing
John Lewis
Key figure in the Selma marches, chairman of SNCC, long-time U.S. Congressman, awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
Harriet Tubman
Conducted the Underground Railroad, leading to the escape of many slaves, supported the suffrage movement
James Baldwin
Wrote on race, sexuality, and class distinctions in Western societies, notably in mid-20th-century America, author of 'Go Tell It on the Mountain'
Bayard Rustin
Organized the 1963 March on Washington, worked closely with MLK Jr., influential in promoting nonviolent protest
Thurgood Marshall
First African-American Supreme Court Justice, won Brown v. Board of Education, worked to end racial segregation
W.E.B. Du Bois
Co-founded the NAACP, opposed Booker T. Washington's Atlanta Compromise, first African-American to earn a PhD from Harvard
Cesar Chavez
Co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, led boycotts and strikes for farm workers' rights, helped enact the Agricultural Labor Relations Act
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