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Influential Social Philosophers
Adam Smith
Classical economics, 'The Wealth of Nations', 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments'
Michel Foucault
Analysis of power and discourse, 'Madness and Civilization', 'Discipline and Punish', 'The History of Sexuality'
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Concept of the 'Noble Savage', 'The Social Contract', 'Emile, or On Education'
Judith Butler
Theory of gender performativity, 'Gender Trouble', 'Bodies That Matter'
John Rawls
Theory of justice, 'A Theory of Justice', 'Political Liberalism', 'The Law of Peoples'
Thomas Hobbes
Social contract theory, 'Leviathan', View on the natural state of mankind
Karl Marx
Conflict theory, Materialist conception of history, 'Das Kapital' & 'The Communist Manifesto'
Émile Durkheim
Founder of sociology, 'The Division of Labour in Society', 'Suicide', 'The Elementary Forms of Religious Life'
Hannah Arendt
Analysis of totalitarianism, 'The Human Condition', 'Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil'
Simone de Beauvoir
Feminist existentialism, 'The Second Sex', 'She Came to Stay'
Friedrich Nietzsche
Philosophy of the 'Übermensch', Will to power, 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', 'Beyond Good and Evil'
John Stuart Mill
Utilitarianism, 'On Liberty', 'Utilitarianism', 'The Subjection of Women'
Jurgen Habermas
Theory of communicative action, 'The Theory of Communicative Action', 'Between Facts and Norms'
Socratic method, Ethical philosophy, Indirectly known through the writings of his students, including Plato
Max Weber
Theory of social and economic organization, 'The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism', 'Economy and Society'
Theory of Forms, 'The Republic', The Academy (first institution of higher learning in the Western world)
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