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Historical Pandemics and Their Impact
COVID-19 Pandemic
Years active: Late 2019-present, Death toll: estimated 6+ million (ongoing), Societal changes: Global shift towards remote work, acceleration of vaccine development, spotlight on zoonotic diseases.
Hong Kong Flu
Years active: 1968-1969, Death toll: estimated 1 million, Societal changes: Boosted the importance of international cooperation in disease control, highlighted vulnerabilities in public health systems.
Antonine Plague
Years active: 165-180 AD, Death toll: estimated 5 million, Societal changes: A significant impact on the Roman army and economy, possibly hastened the fall of the Roman Empire.
HIV/AIDS Pandemic
Years active: Identified in 1981, ongoing, Death toll: estimated 36 million, Societal changes: Advancements in medical research on viruses, major public health campaigns, LGBTQ+ rights activism.
Spanish Flu
Years active: 1918-1920, Death toll: estimated 50 million, Societal changes: Health infrastructure improvements, increased awareness about public health, surge in national health agencies.
Black Death
Years active: c. 1347-1351, Death toll: estimated 75-200 million, Societal changes: Labor shortages, wage increases for peasants, decline of feudalism.
Third Cholera Pandemic
Years active: 1852-1860, Death toll: estimated 1 million, Societal changes: Advances in urban sanitation and hygiene, public health reforms, helped spur the development of the modern public health movement.
Asian Flu
Years active: 1957-1958, Death toll: estimated 1-2 million, Societal changes: Development of new vaccines and vaccine distribution systems, improvements in global health surveillance.
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