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Notable Labor Strikes and Protests
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
Causes: Segregation and racial discrimination on public buses. Effects: Catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement, economic pressure on the bus company. Outcomes: Desegregation of Montgomery buses, rise of Martin Luther King Jr. as a civil rights leader.
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Causes: Wage cuts during an economic depression. Effects: Violent clashes between workers and state militia, nation-wide unrest. Outcomes: Increased awareness of the labor cause, but also a stronger resolve in management to resist unionization efforts.
The Battle of Blair Mountain
Causes: Unionization efforts of coal miners, reaction to the Matewan Massacre. Effects: Largest armed uprising since the Civil War, national media spotlight. Outcomes: Suppression of the miners, eventual recognition of miners' rights years later.
The Salt March
Causes: British monopoly on salt production and imposition of salt tax. Effects: Widespread nonviolent civil disobedience, international support for Indian independence. Outcomes: Negotiation of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, some concessions on salt tax, and a stepping stone towards Indian independence.
The Delano Grape Strike
Causes: Poor working conditions and low wages for farm workers. Effects: National attention to farm labor conditions, extensive boycott of table grapes. Outcomes: Improved labor contracts for farm workers, success for the United Farm Workers labor union.
The Homestead Strike
Causes: Wage cuts in the midst of economic recession. Effects: Violent conflict between strikers and Pinkerton agents, national attention to labor rights. Outcomes: Defeat of the strikers, setback for the unionization of steelworkers, and casualties on both sides.
The Stonewall Riots
Causes: Police raid on a gay club and ongoing discrimination against LGBTQ+ community. Effects: Mobilization of LGBTQ+ activism and wider societal support. Outcomes: Annual Gay Pride parades, growth of LGBTQ+ rights movement.
The Seattle General Strike
Causes: Wages not keeping up with wartime inflation, solidarity with shipyard workers. Effects: Complete shutdown of the city, fear of Bolshevism in the US. Outcomes: Strike ended without achieving aims, led to anti-labor and anti-communist sentiments.
The Haymarket Affair
Causes: Demand for an eight-hour work day. Effects: A bomb blast, deaths, widespread fear of anarchism. Outcomes: Execution of four anarchists, martyrdom of the accused, and international labor solidarity.
The Pullman Strike
Causes: Reduction in wages without rent reduction for workers' housing. Effects: Disruption of railroad traffic, federal intervention, and increased awareness of workers' plight. Outcomes: Injunctions against labor, imprisonment of union leaders, and establishment of Labor Day.
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