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Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Use Disorders (DSM-5)
Criterion 2: Persistent Desire or Unsuccessful Attempts to Cut Down
This addresses the user's desire to control their use and their continued use despite these intentions to reduce or discontinue use.
Criterion 4: Craving or Strong Desire to Use
A craving is a strong desire or urge to use the substance. It might manifest as intrusive thoughts or a physical compulsion.
Criterion 6: Continued Use Despite Persistent or Recurrent Social or Interpersonal Problems
The user continues to use the substance despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal issues that are caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance.
Criterion 3: Time Spent in Activities to Obtain, Use, or Recover
The individual spends a significant amount of time in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects.
Criterion 5: Recurrent Substance Use Resulting in Failure to Fulfill Major Roles
Substance use that leads to a recurrent failure to perform at work, school, or home. Responsibilities are consistently neglected because of substance use.
Criterion 8: Recurrent Substance Use in Physically Hazardous Situations
This criterion speaks to using the substance recurrently in situations where it is physically dangerous, such as driving under the influence or operating machinery.
Criterion 11: Withdrawal
Withdrawal is a syndrome that occurs when blood or tissue concentrations of a substance decline in an individual who had maintained prolonged and heavy use of the substance.
Criterion 9: Use Continues Despite Knowledge of Psychological or Physical Problem
Substance use continues despite the user knowing it's likely causing or exacerbating a physical or psychological problem.
Criterion 10: Tolerance
Tolerance is defined as a need for increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect or a markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance.
Criterion 1: Substance Taken in Larger Amount or Over Longer Period
This criterion involves using the substance in greater quantities or for a longer duration than was intended.
Criterion 7: Important Activities Given Up or Reduced
Due to substance use, there is a significant reduction or cessation of important social, occupational, or recreational activities.
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