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Historical Medical Equipment
An acoustic medical device for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of an animal or human body. Invented by René Laënnec in France in 1816.
Tooth Key
A dental instrument used historically to extract teeth by rotating and pulling, often resulting in broken teeth or jaw damage.
Ether Dome
The operating theater at Massachusetts General Hospital where ether was first used as an anesthetic in 1846.
Phrenology Head
A model head with delineated regions used in the pseudoscience of phrenology, which postulated that character traits could be determined by the shape of the skull.
Lobotomy Instruments
Tools used to perform lobotomies, a form of psychosurgery that has since been discredited and is no longer in use.
An instrument that cuts extremely thin slices of material (such as sections of tissue) for microscopic examination, important in histology.
Hippocratic Bench
An ancient Greek device used by Hippocrates for the purpose of reducing dislocations and setting fractures.
Quarantine Flag
A historical signal used on ships to denote that there is a disease onboard and the ship is in quarantine.
A device used to quantitatively measure the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, aiding in the diagnosis of certain diseases like jaundice.
A surgical instrument with a cylindrical blade used to remove a circle of tissue or bone, historically for treating health problems like head injuries and epilepsy.
Invented by Hermann von Helmholtz in 1851, this device allows for examination of the interior structures of the eye.
Amputation Kit
A set of tools including knives and saws used historically for performing surgical limb amputations on the battlefield and in hospitals.
Miasma Pump
A device used to spray disinfectants in areas thought to be contaminated by 'bad air', which was believed to cause disease before germ theory.
Iron Lung
A negative pressure ventilator used to artificially maintain respiration during the polio epidemics of the 20th century.
Leech Jar
A container used to hold leeches, which were used in bloodletting therapy believed to balance the humors in the body.
Ebers Papyrus
An ancient Egyptian medical document containing over 700 remedies and magical formulas and treatments dating back to circa 1550 BC.
An instrument inserted into a body cavity to widen it so that it can be examined, with examples tracing back to ancient times.
Surgical Saw
A type of saw used in amputation procedures historically, before the advent of modern surgical procedures and equipment.
Cautery Iron
A heated instrument used to sear tissue, to stop bleeding and prevent infection in wounds, commonly used in the past before the development of more modern techniques.
Bloodletting Instruments
Tools like lancets and fleams used in the ancient practice of bloodletting to treat a variety of illnesses by removing blood from the patient.
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