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Pioneers in Medical Education
Advanced medical knowledge through dissections, influential medical texts, 2nd century CE
Established a medical school on the island of Kos, and the Hippocratic Oath, c. 400 BCE
Ignaz Semmelweis
Introduced antiseptic procedures in obstetrics, mid-19th century
Frances Oldham Kelsey
Her vigilance in the FDA prevented the thalidomide crisis from affecting the USA, mid-20th century
Virginia Apgar
Developed the Apgar Score for assessing newborn health, 1952
Wrote 'The Canon of Medicine', a standard medical text at many medieval universities, c. 1025
John Hunter
Founder of scientific surgery, established a museum for his collections, 18th century
Florence Nightingale
Founded modern nursing, established her nursing school at St Thomas' Hospital in London, 1860
Andreas Vesalius
Published 'De humani corporis fabrica', a groundbreaking work on human anatomy, 1543
Maria Montessori
Developed the Montessori method of education, early 20th century
Abraham Flexner
Published the Flexner Report which reformed medical education in the United States and Canada, 1910
Stanley B. Prusiner
Discovered prions, a new biological principle of infection, late 20th century
William Osler
Introduced residency training system, 'The Principles and Practice of Medicine', late 19th - early 20th century
William Harvey
Described the systemic circulation and properties of blood, 17th century
Joseph Lister
Father of modern surgery, pioneered the use of antiseptic technique, late 19th century
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