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Pioneers of Psychoanalysis
Anna Freud
Extended her father Sigmund Freud's work, particularly with respect to child psychoanalysis and defense mechanisms.
Carl Jung
Introduced concepts of the collective unconscious, archetypes, and psychological types. Founded analytical psychology.
Karen Horney
Developed theories on neurosis; introduced concepts of basic anxiety and basic hostility; critiqued Freud's views on female psychology.
Alfred Adler
Known for the development of Individual Psychology which emphasizes the importance of innate feelings of inferiority.
Wilhelm Reich
Known for his work on character analysis and the theory of orgonomy.
Otto Rank
Developed themes related to the will, trauma, birth trauma, and the role of the artist and creativity.
Donald Winnicott
Introduced the concepts of the 'good enough mother' and 'transitional objects'; instrumental in object relations theory.
Erik Erikson
Proposed the eight stages of human development known as Erikson's stages of psychosocial development.
Melanie Klein
Known for her work in child analysis and the theory of object relations.
Sigmund Freud
Developed the theory of the unconscious mind, Oedipus complex, and defense mechanisms. Known as the father of psychoanalysis.
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