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Defense Mechanisms
Refusing to accept reality or facts, acting as though a painful event, thought, or feeling doesn’t exist. Example: A smoker denies the evidence linking smoking to lung cancer.
Unconsciously blocking uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and impulses from consciousness. Example: A person who has repressed memories of abuse during childhood may later have difficulty forming relationships.
Attributing one’s own feelings, motivations, or desires to someone else. Example: A person who is aggressive may accuse others of having anger management issues.
Redirecting emotions or responses from the original source to a safer or less threatening target. Example: A person may take out their frustration on their partner after having a bad day at work.
Justifying or explaining away actions or feelings with seemingly rational reasons, avoiding the true reasons. Example: A student who blames a poor exam score on the lack of time to study, rather than their lack of preparation.
Reaction Formation
Acting the opposite way that one truly feels, often exaggerated and obsessive, as a defense against unacceptable feelings or impulses. Example: A person who feels insecure about their social status might act overly confident and brash.
Channeling unacceptable impulses, thoughts, or emotions into more acceptable ones. Example: A person with aggressive tendencies becomes a professional fighter.
Reverting to behavior typical of an earlier stage of development when faced with stress. Example: An adult throwing a tantrum when they don't get their way, like a child would.
Incorporating characteristics of another individual or group into one’s own ego structure. Example: An insecure young man emulates his confident boss’s mannerisms and style of dress.
Striving to make up for feelings of inferiority or perceived weaknesses by developing other areas. Example: A person who is not good at sports focuses on excelling academically.
Removing the emotional aspect of a situation by dealing with it in a rational, logical way. Example: A person who has been diagnosed with a serious illness focuses solely on the statistics and treatments, rather than their fears.
Attempting to reverse a thought or feeling by performing an action that signifies an opposite feeling or some form of restitution. Example: A husband who has been unfaithful to his wife might give her an expensive gift to alleviate his guilt.
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