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Famous Psychologists
Jean Piaget
Known for his theory of cognitive development; identified stages such as the sensorimotor and preoperational stages.
Ivan Pavlov
Discovered classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs; concept of conditioned reflexes.
Noam Chomsky
Criticized behaviorist theories of language; proposed the theory of generative grammar; concepts of universal grammar and language acquisition device.
Erik Erikson
Developed the theory of psychosocial development; posited eight stages of human development, each with its own crisis.
Donald Hebb
Proposed Hebb's law ('neurons that fire together, wire together'); contributions to neuropsychology and understanding of synaptic plasticity.
Carl Rogers
Developed client-centered therapy; emphasized unconditional positive regard, empathy, and self-actualization.
Lev Vygotsky
Cultural-historical psychology; zone of proximal development (ZPD); social interaction plays a fundamental role in cognitive development.
Sigmund Freud
Developed the psychoanalytic theory; concepts such as the id, ego, and superego; stages of psychosexual development.
John B. Watson
Founded behaviorism; believed in the dominance of the environment over heredity; Little Albert experiment.
Elizabeth Loftus
Research on human memory, especially the malleability of memories and the misinformation effect.
Albert Bandura
Proposed social learning theory; known for the Bobo doll experiment, demonstrating observational learning.
Wilhelm Wundt
Established the first psychology laboratory; considered the father of experimental psychology; introspection and structuralism.
Walter Mischel
Challenged the notion of consistent personality traits with his marshmallow test and research on self-control.
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Developed the ecological systems theory to explain how the inherent qualities of a child and the characteristics of the external environment interact to influence how the child will grow and develop.
Carl Jung
Developed analytical psychology; concepts of the collective unconscious, archetypes, and introversion/extroversion.
Gordon Allport
Known for trait theory of personality; cardinal, central, and secondary traits.
Abraham Maslow
Developed the hierarchy of needs; proposed the concept of self-actualization.
Alfred Kinsey
Pioneered research on human sexuality; published the Kinsey Reports; developed the Kinsey scale.
B.F. Skinner
Formulated the principles of operant conditioning; invented the Skinner Box; behavior modification techniques.
Philip Zimbardo
Conducted the Stanford prison experiment; research on the power of social roles and situational forces.
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