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Developmental Milestones
2 years
Follows two-step commands, begins to sort shapes and colors, plays alongside other children.
0-1 month
Reflexive movements, recognizes mother's voice, gazes at faces.
5 years
Can dress and undress without assistance, can use full sentences, understands routines.
13-14 years
Begins to seek independence, shows interest in romantic relationships, capable of abstract thinking.
10-12 years
Develops problem-solving skills, starts to form a social identity, shows an increased understanding of the world.
10-12 months
Says 'mama' or 'dada', pulls to stand, pincer grasp develops.
6 years
Can write some letters and numbers, understands right from wrong, begins to show team cooperation.
2-3 months
Smiles responsively, coos, can follow objects.
15-16 years
Develops a clearer sense of identity, can engage in complex conversations, may start working part-time.
4-6 months
Babbles, grasps objects, rolls over from tummy to back.
19-24 months
Begins to run, starts combining two words, shows defiant behavior.
8-9 years
Can complete more complex schoolwork, understands time and money, enjoys group games and activities.
17-18 years
Develops a plan for the future, establishes an adult-like relationship with parents, possesses self-regulation skills.
7-9 months
Sits without support, responds to own name, understands 'no'.
4 years
Understands the concept of counting, starts imaginative play, can throw a ball overhand.
3 years
Can ride a tricycle, speaks in short sentences, shows interest in peers.
19-21 years
Explores personal interests and career paths, establishes adult relationships, practices independent living skills.
13-18 months
Walks independently, uses simple words, follows one-step commands.
7 years
Can read simple books, shows improved coordination in activities, starts to understand others' feelings.
22-29 years
Refines personal and career goals, develops intimate partnerships, starts planning long-term future.
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