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Animal Domestication and Its Effects
Dromedary Camel Domestication
Camels have been bred for transport, resulting in enhanced endurance and temperament suitable for human interaction.
Silver Fox Domestication Experiment
Foxes became more docile and dogs-like, with floppy ears and curly tails as by-products of domestication.
Llama and Alpaca Domestication
Both species were domesticated for their fiber, meat, and as pack animals, and display enhanced docility.
Guinea Pig Domestication
Domesticated primarily as a source of meat and for research, guinea pigs are more docile and larger than their wild kin.
Wild Mustard to Cabbage, Broccoli, etc.
Selective breeding of wild mustard led to diverse vegetables with varying traits like leaf, stem, and flower development.
Rice Domestication
Rice has seen changes in grain size and stickiness, as well as reduced seed dispersal mechanisms.
Wild Goats to Domestic Goats
Selected for milk, meat, fiber, and their ability to adapt to diverse environments.
Wolf to Dog Domestication
Led to behavioral traits favoring tameness, loyalty, and obedience.
Teosinte to Maize Domestication
Teosinte doesn’t reflect an animal but demonstrates plant domestication affecting kernel size and structure.
Asian Elephant Domestication
Asian Elephants have been tamed for various tasks but remain a semi-domesticated species.
Wild boar to Domestic Pig
Resulted in increased docility and higher fertility rates.
Rock Dove to Domestic Pigeon
Domestic pigeons exhibit a variety of plumage colors and are less fearful of humans.
Einkorn Wheat Domestication
Einkorn wheat underwent changes resulting in larger seed size and non-shattering spikes.
Wildcats to Domestic Cats
Cats maintain a strong hunting instinct but show social flexibility with humans.
Aurochs to Domestic Cattle
Created breeds with reduced fear of humans and increased milk production.
Wild Water Buffalo to Domestic Water Buffalo
Domestic buffaloes have been selected for docility, draft work, and dairy production.
Barley Domestication
Domestication led to non-shattering spikes, making barley easier to harvest and a key agricultural crop.
Horse Domestication
Horses were selected for temperament, strength, and speed, resulting in a wide range of breeds.
Chicken Domestication from Red Junglefowl
Chickens have been bred for meat production, egg-laying capacity, and show diverse feathering.
Donkey Domestication
Donkeys have been bred for endurance, carrying capacity, and manageable temperament.
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