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Cognition in Animals
Spatial Memory
Squirrels and other cache-storing animals excel at spatial memory to relocate their hidden food stores.
Mental Time Travel
Scrub-jays appear to plan for the future, an indication of the capability for mental time travel.
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov's dogs salivated in response to a bell when the bell had been repeatedly associated with the presentation of food.
Object Permanence
Many animals, including young chicks and dogs, can understand object permanence — that objects still exist when out of view.
Numerical Cognition
Alex the parrot could count and understand the concept of zero.
Aesop's Fable Test
Crows have been able to drop stones into a water-filled tube to raise the water level to reach a floating piece of food.
Tool Use
New Caledonian crows create and use hooks to retrieve insects from logs.
Broca’s Area in Birds
Research has suggested that regions in the bird brain, analogous to the human Broca's area, are involved in song production.
Theory of Mind
Chimpanzees are capable of deception, which suggests an understanding of the mental state of others.
Social Learning
Many animals, like primates and birds, learn behaviors by observing and imitating others in their group.
Emotional Contagion
Rats have been observed showing behaviors consistent with empathy, responding to the distress of others.
Navigational Cognition
Homing pigeons possess a remarkable homing ability, using the Earth's magnetic field, sun position, and landmarks.
Categorization and Concept Learning
Dogs can differentiate between categories of objects, such as sorting toys by function or shape.
African grey parrots use vocalizations to communicate complex ideas and can learn human language to an extent.
Attention in Animals
Studies with macaques show that attention mechanisms in animals are similar to humans, focusing on salient stimuli.
Delayed Gratification
Some species, like corvids, can delay gratification for a better reward, similar to the famous Marshmallow test in humans.
Episodic Memory
Rats demonstrate episodic-like memory in tasks where they remember the what, where, and when of a feeding event.
Problem-Solving Strategies
Octopuses have been observed opening jars to retrieve food inside, indicating complex problem-solving.
Concept Formation
Pigeons can learn to categorize objects, differentiating between 'tree' pictures and 'non-tree' pictures.
Mirror Test
Some animals, such as great apes, dolphins, and elephants, have shown the ability to recognize themselves in a mirror.
Imitation Learning
Dolphins are proficient in imitation, which they use for both social interaction and learning survival skills.
Operant Conditioning
Skinner demonstrated rats could learn to press a lever to receive a food reward.
Gaze Following
Animals like dogs and chimpanzees are known to follow the gaze of a human or another animal, indicating social cognition.
Intentionality Understanding
Great apes show an understanding of human intentions and can cooperate with humans in problem-solving tasks.
Insight Learning
The 'aha moment' was famously observed in chimpanzees, such as when Sultan solved the problem of reaching a banana by stacking boxes.
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