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Territoriality and Aggression in Animals
Predator Defense
Aggressive behavior aimed at protecting a territory from predators rather than rivals of the same species.
Alpha Male/Female
An individual in a group of social animals that has the highest rank and often controls access to resources and mates.
Mate Guarding
A behavioral strategy where an individual stays close to their mate to prevent them from mating with rivals.
Displacement Activity
A behavior that occurs outside of its normal context, often as a response to conflict or stress, such as preening or cleaning when threatened.
Scent Marking
The act of marking territory using scents from specialized glands to signal occupancy and deter rivals.
Territorial Inheritance
A process where territories are passed down from one generation to the next, sometimes found in animals like hyenas and primates.
Home Range
An area where an animal roams and hunts but does not necessarily defend from others; larger than territory.
Resource Holding Potential (RHP)
A measure of the ability of an animal to win an encounter based on resource ownership.
A type of mating system where males display collectively in an area known as a lek, in order to attract and compete for females.
Brood Parasitism
A strategy where animals, such as certain bird species, lay their eggs in the nests of other individuals, often leading to aggression between species.
Territorial Call
Vocal sound produced by an animal to indicate ownership of an area and to warn others away.
The method by which an animal or group of animals lays claim to and defends a certain area against others of the same species.
Dominance Hierarchy
A social ranking within a group of animals that determines access to resources, where higher-ranking individuals have greater access than lower-ranking ones.
Agonistic Behavior
Behavior related to fighting, including threat displays, aggression and submission, usually occurring in the context of competition for resources.
Conflict Avoidance
Behavioral strategies used by animals to prevent physical fights when competing for resources, like yielding or retreating.
Consolation Behavior
A post-conflict behavior seen in some social animals, where individuals not involved in the conflict provide comfort or support to the one who lost.
A German term meaning 'living space'; refers to the area which an organism requires to live, grow, and develop.
Dear Enemy Phenomenon
The phenomenon where territorial animals show less aggressive behavior to neighboring territory holders once territorial borders are established.
Ritualized Aggression
A form of aggressive interaction where the behaviors are exaggerated and follow a predictable pattern to prevent actual combat.
A behavior in some animals where they steal food resources that have been gathered or hunted by other animals.
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