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Ethology and Animal Behavior Studies
The method by which an animal, using various behaviors, marks and defends its territory against others of the same species.
Operant Conditioning
A type of learning where behavior is controlled by consequences. Key concepts in operant conditioning are reinforcement, punishment, and extinction.
Pecking Order
A hierarchical system of social organization in birds, as well as in many other animals, that dictates the order in which the animals have access to resources.
A sensory system used by some animals to navigate and to find food by emitting sounds and listening for their echoes bouncing off objects.
A mating system in which one male lives and mates with multiple females, but each female only mates with a single male.
A mating system characterized by a pair bond between two individuals who mate and often cooperate in raising offspring.
Cognitive Maps
A mental representation which serves an individual to acquire, code, store, recall, and decode information about the relative locations and attributes of phenomena in their everyday or metaphorical spatial environment.
Brood Parasitism
A strategy in birds where the parasitic bird lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species, employing the host to incubate and raise its young.
A simple form of learning in which an animal stops or decreases its responses to a repetitive stimulus that neither harms nor benefits the animal.
Consummatory Behavior
The end goal behavior that directly satisfies a biological drive, such as eating when hungry or drinking when thirsty.
Classical Conditioning
A learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response which is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone.
The regular, long-distance movement of animals from one area to another, often driven by changes in season, food availability, or breeding habitat.
A behavior that reduces an individual's fitness while increasing the fitness of another individual.
Social Learning
Learning that occurs as a function of observing, retaining and replicating behavior observed in others.
Optimal Foraging Theory
A model that helps predict how an animal behaves when searching for food, assuming that animal behaviors are shaped to maximize their energy intake per unit of time.
Kin Selection
A form of natural selection that favors the reproductive success of an organism's relatives, even at a cost to the organism's own survival and reproduction.
A type of learning occurring at a particular life stage that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behavior.
Appetitive Behavior
The preparatory behavior that animals exhibit as they work towards satisfying a basic biological drive, such as hunger or thirst.
Fixed Action Pattern (FAP)
A sequence of unlearned, innate behaviors that is unchangeable and, once initiated, usually carried to completion.
Play Behavior
A range of voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities normally associated with recreational pleasure and enjoyment that are commonly seen in young animals.
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