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Predator-Prey Interactions
A toxic substance used by some animals to incapacitate or kill their prey.
An animal's primary defense mechanism by escaping from predators rapidly.
Cryptic Behavior
The actions that animals take to avoid detection, such as remaining motionless or hiding.
Patrolling and Territoriality
A behavior where animals aggressively defend a territory to maintain exclusive access to resources.
The ability of an animal to blend in with its surroundings to avoid detection.
Pursuit and Ambush
A hunting technique where predators either chase down prey or lie in wait for it.
Alarm Calling
Vocalizations made to alert conspecifics of the presence of a predator.
Herding and Cooperative Hunting
Predators working together to manipulate and capture prey.
A jumping behavior seen in some prey animals which may signal to predators that the prey is not worth pursuing.
Evasive Swimming
Aquatic animals rapidly changing direction or speed to escape predators.
Predators using sound to locate prey by the echoes returned.
Using a lure or decoy to attract and catch prey.
Group Defense
Prey forming groups to decrease the likelihood of individual attack.
The use of bright coloring to warn predators that an organism is toxic, venomous, or otherwise harmful.
A behavior in which members of a prey species aggressively chase away a predator.
Tool Use
Using objects in the environment to accomplish tasks such as hunting.
A form of defense where a harmless species imitates the warning signals of a harmful species to avoid predation.
A tactic where an animal makes itself appear larger or more dangerous to ward off attackers.
Batesian Mimicry
A type of mimicry where a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species to deter predators.
Müllerian Mimicry
A form of mimicry where two or more harmful species resemble each other, augmenting the warning signal.
Startle Display
A sudden change in an animal's appearance designed to scare off or momentarily distract a predator.
Playing Dead
A defense mechanism where an animal lies motionless as if dead to avoid attention from predators.
Chemical Defense
The use of toxic or noxious substances to deter predators.
A physical adaptation involving thick, hardened parts of the body that protect an animal from predators.
Distraction Display
A behavior where an animal draws a predator's attention away from a vulnerable target, often its young.
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