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Comparative Psychology Key Figures
George John Romanes
Developed the method of anecdotal evidence and introspection by analogy to understand animal intelligence and mental processes.
Margaret Floy Washburn
Authored 'The Animal Mind' and became the first woman to earn a PhD in psychology, providing significant contributions to the study of animal behavior and cognition.
Ivan Pavlov
Famous for his work on classical conditioning, establishing the principles of associative learning in dogs.
Donald Griffin
Introduced the concept of cognitive ethology and the study of animal consciousness, and discovered echolocation in bats.
Dian Fossey
Her studies focused on the life and behavior of mountain gorillas, which helped to inform conservation strategies and broaden our understanding of primate social structures.
B.F. Skinner
Developed operant conditioning and the Skinner box, providing a controlled method of studying animal behavior.
Jane Goodall
Conducted revolutionary fieldwork on chimpanzee behavior and society, challenging previous notions of primate intelligence.
Temple Grandin
Her work improved the livestock industry by designing humane handling systems, informed by her insights into animal behavior and perception.
C. Lloyd Morgan
Introduced Morgan's Canon, a principle that suggests simpler explanations for animal behavior should be prioritized over more complex interpretations.
Karl von Frisch
Discoverer of the honeybee waggle dance and its role in communication, significantly advancing the understanding of animal behavior.
William James
Although better known for his work in philosophy and human psychology, his ideas influenced early comparative psychology by considering the evolutionary continuity of mental processes.
Edward L. Thorndike
Conducted experimental studies on animal learning and established the Law of Effect.
Frans de Waal
His work on primate behavior, particularly regarding empathy, cooperation, and fairness, has greatly contributed to our understanding of social intelligence in animals.
Birute Galdikas
Her contributions to the study and preservation of orangutans have illuminated aspects of their behavior, social structure, and intelligence.
Konrad Lorenz
Co-founder of ethology and known for his work on imprinting and behavioral instincts in animals.
Niko Tinbergen
Developed the four questions of ethology, providing a framework for understanding animal behavior in terms of its causation, development, evolution, and function.
John B. Watson
Founder of behaviorism, he argued for the study of observable behavior over internal phenomena and influenced approaches to animal behavior research.
Robert Yerkes
Pioneered the comparative study of primates and advocated for the ethical treatment of research animals.
Charles Darwin
Pioneered the theory of evolution, highlighting the role of natural selection and the continuity of species, which implied a continuity in mental processes across species.
Irene Pepperberg
Conducted extensive research on language learning in parrots, particularly with an African Grey parrot named Alex, significantly advancing our understanding of bird cognition.
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